Fulcrum3D has launched its solar monitoring system.
The Fulcrum3D solar monitoring system is a fully automated remote sensing system designed to accurately measure solar irradiance and other weather parameters, and to identify cloud profiles at a site. A variety of solar and weather parameters can be monitored, and the system includes support for CloudCAM™ cloud monitoring technology.
It is a portable stand-alone unit, delivered complete with its own GPS locator, solar power supply and communications system.
Applications include:
- site prospecting and resource assessment;
- system sizing based on typical cloud frequency and duration (e.g. PV / storage / generator ratios);
- operating plant performance monitoring;
- ramp rate limiting control systems (with CloudCAM™);
- spinning reserve set-point control systems (with CloudCAM™);
The Fulcrum3D solar monitoring system will be fully supported by Fulcrum3D’s FlightDECK™.