GL GH has analysed a number of data sets covering both simple and complex terrain.

The purpose of the work has been to validate the performance of Fulcrum3D’s Sodar against adjacent tall met masts.

Overall, Fulcrum3D Sodar performance has been strong with GL GH generally indicating that operation is acceptable and within expectations at both simple and complex sites.

GL GH has said the following:

  • It has been concluded that this brief statistical analysis is indicative of an acceptable level of accuracy (a measurable bias) and precision (acceptable standard error) for the wind speed measured by the Fulcrum3D Sodar and cup anemometers.
  • The mast and Fulcrum3D Sodar wind shear profiles were found to be in broad agreement over the range of heights measured by the mast for the global, day and night profiles.
  • GL GH concludes that performance of the Fulcrum3D Sodar unit 1011 at this moderately complex site is within the expected limits for this type of terrain.
  • GL GH concludes that the accuracy of the wind speed data measured by the Fulcrum3D Sodar unit 1016 at this site falls within the expected limits for this type of terrain.

For a copy of the GL GH work or more information please email Hugh Sangster from Fulcrum3D at