The compact-beam design of the Fulcrum3D Sodar uses a much narrower beam angle than competing Sodar designs.

This minimizes errors introduced where the wind speed vector is not constant across the beams, such as in highly turbulent or complex terrain.

  • lower profile / more compact unit
  • more accurate in moderate and complex terrain

Fulcrum3D’s unique Fulcrum3D Sodar uses beam angles which are fixed physically with precision machining. Its competitors use electronic steering which requires constant frequency adjustment for local atmospheric conditions, and typically does not allow multi-beam sampling.

  • long term stability
  • multi-beam sampling capability (see below)
  • variable operating frequency capability (see below)
  • factory calibration for each unit
  • unaffected by temperature or air density variations

The three independent beams of the Fulcrum3D Sodar can all be pulsed simultaneously (“multi-beam sampling”). Competing designs use a single steered beam which can only be pulsed sequentially, reducing the number of data points that can be captured.

  • 3x increase in data samples per 10min period
  • higher signal / noise ratio means higher quality data
  • increased data availability especially at higher heights

SodarF3D operates at a full pulse transmit power which is higher than its competitors. This offsets the reduction in signal strength caused by scattering when sampling higher elevations.

  • increased data availability at higher heights

The Fulcrum3D Sodar has the broadest operating frequency range in its class (3.5 – 7.5kHz). Up to eight Fulcrum3D Sodars can be located side by side with a 500Hz frequency separation, eliminating interference.

  • allows multiple units to operate side by side

The Fulcrum3D Sodar records and stores full noise and signal data on the unit and transmits this entire dataset to Fulcrum3D’s secure servers for processing. Competing Sodar designs use on-board processing which only transmits the calculated wind speed result, meaning the full spectrum data is lost.

  • fully traceable dataset can be provided to 3rd partybfor verification & analysis of outlying data points
  • allows re-analysis at a later date using improved or 3rd party processing algorithms

The analysis of the signal spectrum is carried out on the secure servers, with the results reviewed by Fulcrum3D’s technical team to ensure individual site characteristics are not providing false data. Operating parameters can then be adjusted to optimize recovery at complex sites, e.g. by adjusting the operating frequency to remove impacts of local background noise (such as insects or frogs).

  • complex site characteristics can be remotely analysed and corrected
  • tailored removal of complex fixed echo signals
  • more accurate data over entire operating range

The Fulcrum3D Sodar allows communications via 3G/GSM, WiFi, Ethernet and satellite phone systems.

  • low cost / flexible communication options
     simple integration into SCADA systems for performance testing & wind forecasting

Not only do we sell Sodars, Fulcrum3D provides the full service package including installation, redeployment, maintenance and data management.

  • customised service & support

Fulcrum3D is 100% Australian, and the Fulcrum3D Sodar is designed and manufactured in the northern suburbs of Sydney. Our technical experts are on hand to deliver customised solutions as required.

  • faster availability
  • better service response time